Promotes volunteering as one of the first institutes that recognize volunteers’ significant role in the development process. The program is for bridging the experience gap for fresh graduates and middle managers by posting them to support development partners and as exchange programs in Africa and overseas.

Sustain leadership as the pioneer development education outfit that seeks to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of professionals through innovative training and mandatory continuing professional development programs that address the need and skill gaps.

Advance the certification and education of members and non-members through the promotion of capacity building in leadership and development Studies for efficient and quality human resources for health, education, agriculture, and economy for development.
SDG Alignment/Focus Areas

Board Members

Dr. Bala Muhammad Tukur
Chairman Board of Directors

Dr. Mansur Muhd Tukur
Secretary Board of Directors

(H.E) Humphrey D. Geiseb
Chairman Advisory Board

Prof. Adamu Gwarzo
Chairman Board of Trustees
Advisory Board

Anna Christina Thorsheim
Co-Founder and Director,
Family Empowerment Media

Katie Strock, PMP
Senior Communications Officer Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Kenneth Scheffler
President for the Initiative for
Evidence Driven Social Behavior Change.