iDevPro-Africa is a professional body for breeding Global Development Professionals with the highest level of Competence, Efficiency, and Excellence. A Development professional is he who is working within the 17 sustainable development goals thematic areas, who is passionate about his community and African development.
iDevPro-Africa is fully registered as Limited by Guarantee with the approval of Registrar General, Federal Ministry of Education and Justice, Attorney General of the Federation, Ministry of Higher Learning, and Corporate Affairs Commission(CAC) with Rc1632218.
VISION STATEMENT: To be the Leading African Institute for Global development professionals with the highest level of competence, efficiency and excellence.
MISSION STATEMENT: A Global Center of Excellence that offers academic training capacity building and professional Certifications, promoting best practices through Innovation and Evidence based strategies in Africa.
- A-Regulate Development activities and Practices by Partners and Professionals, promote applied research development, implementation science, publications and dissemination of information for high Professional standards and ethical practices in the Profession.
- B-An organization that sets standard of knowledge and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become development professional or registered members of the institute.
- C- Advance the certification and education of members and non-members through the promotion of capacity building in leadership and development Studies for efficient and quality human resources for Health, Education, Agriculture and Economy for the development.
- D-Sustain leadership as the pioneer development education outfit that seeks to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of Professionals through innovative training and mandatory continuing professional development programs that addresses the need and skill gaps
- E-Promotes volunteering as the first institute that recognizes the significant role played by volunteers in the development process and for bridging experience gap for fresh graduate and middle managers by posting them to support development partners and as exchange program in Africa and overseas.
- F-To be an umbrella for development professionals working on development projects, experts in international development and graduates of development related studies and to collaborate and consolidate partnerships with public and private sectors for academics and scientific research, relevant education and careers at all levels to accelerate global goals for sustainable development.
- H-To breed competent members of the institute, regulate and ensure discipline within the profession through short and long term training courses and academic programs, professional conferences, seminars, symposia, induction and mandatory continuous professional development education and workshops on contemporary development and related matters in Nigeria and Africa as the law may permit.
- J- To be an industry leader making significant contributions in advancing development practices, build a comprehensive global network of academia and development experts across a broad spectrum of development projects, programs and operations.
- Graduates of this institute will have high quality training and exclusive employment opportunities with NGOs and MDAs with a complete guide on how to succeed in any recruitment process.
- Access to rich & comprehensive Global network of Academia and Development experts across a broad spectrum of Development practices and programs.
- Learning the fundamentals of project circle, implementation science and other professional development programs.
- The institute will stand and fight for its members’ right using human rights and legal services outreach program of the Institute, in the event of unjustly getting disengaged from your development or humanitarian work or if your rights is violated in any away.
- Professional Development Courses & Continuing Professional Education. The African Institute of Development Professionals(iDevPro-Africa) has consolidated Continuous Professional Development Education (MCPE) guidelines.
- Members of the iDevPro-Africa require updating current knowledge and skill in all areas of professional work to inspire public confidence. Members of iDevPro-Africa to commit themselves to professional engagements or occupations to assure organizations that they have the confidence and competence to perform their work effectively.
- In this age of information explosion and rapid change in technology, and the professional environments, the need for updating knowledge and skills is therefore supreme.
- The continuing development of professional competence involves a program of lifelong educational activities. Mandatory Continuing Professional Education (MCPE) is the term used to describe the educational activities that assist members to achieve and maintain the required quality in their professional services.
- Members performing professional services need to have a wide range of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The concept of professional competence is hereby interpreted. Accordingly, acceptable continuing education encompasses programs contributing to the development and maintenance of both technical and non-technical professional skills.
- iDevPro-Africa, with a view to enabling its members to maintain high standards in the professional services that they render, has identified Continuing Professional Education (CPE) as a major area. iDevPro-Africa will keep providing continual inputs to its members through seminars, workshops, and training, etc. through its established training college of Global Health, Leadership, and Development Studies.
- The undertaking of continuing professional education is important for members holding their professional certification. The requirements of CPE are recommendatory for members.
- Moreover, keeping in view the growing importance of CPE for the reasons cited above, and the increasing level of intensity of CPE activities made it imperative by the changes in the environment within which development professionals operate and engage themselves in various capacities. Council of the institute feels mandated to issue this Guideline on Continuing Professional Education which prescribes the norms of implementation of CPE activities by iDevPro-Africa and such other entity or units which may be recognized by Council from time to time for the conduct of learning activities and grant of CPE hours to members.
- The International Federation of Development professionals issued an International Education standard for development Professionals. This Standard prescribes that members of professional bodies implement a continuing professional development (CPD) as a requirement and therefore integral of the iDevPro-Africa programs.